Tuesday, June 15, 2010

II. dearest love

25 years ago, a baby boy was born in Texas. green eyes with freckles in them.

he grew, and in an unfamiliar world, he began to find his place. Yeah, there were scraped knees and dreams.
and there were moments when he was just a boy with a destiny. but living and discovering, still.

and from within the ever growing pile of life, he emerged.

{my only},

what a radiant man i have come to love. outstanding among ten thousand, you are. years have wound our lives together, even when we didn't know it. here you are, on your 25th birthday and even when you can't always see the treasure you hold, there is realm of riches that surrounds you. it's my love, it's her love, it's His love. i cannot begin to describe to you the immense intention that God had when he formed you. he's a great God.

anyways, happy birthday dearest love

Thursday, April 1, 2010


Hm. A place to catch the spills of my mind. It's been awhile since i've written anything. Honestly, i just sat here for about ten minutes with a superbly blank stare on my face, haha. Thank goodness for the window above me, the sun on my hands, and a carpenter bee hitting the glass three times (hate them).

Sigh. the baby is soundly sleeping, blissfully unaware of the equal rest i find in hers. for the life of me, i can't believe i'm a mother. she is changing me for the better. for those of you with kids, you know what i mean. each day, every little hum and giggle, every tumble and boo-boo, all the nights we weren't sure we were doing it the right way, we really were masters at love. just the idea of my daughter leaves me just a tad breathless. i hope that never ever leaves.
yesterday she came trotting into the kitchen and started dancing to the music. i lost it, praying these moments would never grow ordinary. i was watching her today play with a pebble- look to me for affirmation. sit on a dirty grate- look to me for affirmation. everything she discovers- she looks to me for approval and i can't help but think that every look i give back is telling her that she is significant and able. what power god has bestowed on me, to show this little being that she is a delight and forever will be worthy of real love.

our children are young in the flesh, but in truth...giant, holy, destinies dwell within them. this revelation has changed the world for me. now my days are filled with quiet awe and momentary thank-you gods. naomi song - i so long to see you grow in beauty of heart, meekness, and strength.
